Thank You

Thank You

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Thank you to everyone who came to our Open Day on Sunday and to all the volunteers and staff who worked so hard to make the event happen. We raised a magnificent £2317.39.

It was a lovely sunny day, and not too hot for the dogs, so the fun dog show was as popular as ever. The BBQ and refreshments were busy, and the other stalls, including hoop-la, bric-a-brac, doggy treats and some lovely crafts, had a steady stream of customers.

There were definitely fewer people this year and money seemed to be more limited, impacting on the raffle, tombola and RSPCA logo goods, which all took less than usual.

But the total was still excellent and we’re grateful for all the kind people who helped – from setting up the gazebos to baking cakes, covering a stall to marshalling traffic. And an especial thank you to the staff and volunteers who stepped up to fill in at the last minute.

Our next events are our Quiz on October 26 and our Christmas Fair on November 9 at Holbrook. See our events section for more details.

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