Tag - Project Winston

Project Winston: New x4 kennel block underway

Appointment only continues as completion date put back

The completion date for our building works has had to be put back to 21 January 2019, so although we remain open, we will need to continue the viewing of animals by appointment only, until the new year.

Due to new Environment Agency requirements for disposing of our sewage, our old cesspit and soakaways need to be replaced by a new sewage treatment plant. Sourcing an acceptable system, together with unforeseen problems with our existing drains and bad weather in November, has delayed the completion of our project.

Because of the long lead times for such a complicated piece of kit, installation of the new sewage treatment plant will be done early next year. Our new isolation kennels and support block will be virtually completed by the end of this year, but the new four rehoming kennels will need to be fitted out after Christmas.

As all this will continue to cause some disruption, we will need to extend the appointment only system for viewing our animals until everything has been completed.

Thank you to all our supporters for their patience so far and we apologise for any inconvenience that this delay may cause.

Project Winston fundraising: paw plaques

Helping Paws – for Winston

Buy one of our lovely paws plaques and help us complete Project Winston, the replacement of six of the Animal Centre’s oldest dog kennels with up-to-date facilities.

We have three types of lovely paws plaques available.

Solid brass 4” paw – minimum donation £250
4″ blue acrylic paw – £50 minimum donation
£25 minimum donation for the 2″ blue acrylic paw plaque

In celebration or in loving memory, each plaque can be engraved with a short message of your choice.

The plaques will be put on permanent display in a public area at our Animal Centre in Martlesham.

We are a separately registered charity from the national RSPCA and our Trustees are all unpaid volunteers. Our animal welfare work is not paid for by the national RSPCA and in 2017 over 95% of our income came from our own fundraising efforts, donations and legacies. Project Winston will allow the wonderful staff and volunteers at our RSPCA Animal Centre to continue their work in rehabilitating and rehoming all sorts of animals, especially dogs, from the local area.

For details of how to buy a paw of your own, please click here.

Project Winston begins!

After years in the planning, Project Winston has started on site. The first works began on 29th May, after a quick photoshoot with staff, Trustees and volunteers from the Animal Centre and staff from the contractors, RG Carter. Jean Short (our Hon Chairman) and Paul Segger (General Works Manager, RG Carter) were wielding the spades, but Blue, a beautiful lurcher who is looking for his forever home, stole the show.

If you’d like more information on hosting a money-raising event or sponsoring the Project Winston build, please take a look at the Project Winston section here on our website or contact Kate Grimwood at kate.grimwood@rspca-ipswich.org.uk / 01449 614057.